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chandrayaan 2 mission chandrayaan 2 2019

Chandrayaan - 2

Chandrayaan-2 (Chandrayaan-2) mission was launched on 22 July 2019 from Satish Dhawan Space Center in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. Chandrayaan-2 Now the 48-day journey to reach the South Pole of the moon had begun. India was earlier scheduled to launch Chandrayaan-2 on July 15, but was stopped due to leakage in the cryogenic engine.

 The main objectives of the Chandrayaan-2 mission were to map the surface of the moon, detect the presence of minerals, scan the outer atmosphere of the moon, and detect the presence of water in one way or the other. Chandrayaan-2 was sent to pursue Chandrayaan-1's discoveries.

22 July to 13 August 2019

The Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft revolved around the Earth from 22 July 2019 to 13 August 2019. That is, for 23 days, Chandrayaan-2 revolved in different orbits of the Earth.

13 August to 19 August 2019

Chandrayaan-2 then traveled in a long orbit going towards the moon from 13 August to 19 August 2019. Chandrayaan-2 was sent to the Lunar Transfer Trajectory on 14 August 2019.

Chandrayaan-2 on 20 August 2019

 ISRO successfully admitted Chandrayaan-2 into the first orbit of the moon on 20 August 2019. With this, another major achievement was achieved in the name of ISRO.

21 August to 01 September

 From August 21 to September 01, Chandrayaan-2 crossed four more orbits of the moon. That is, from 28 August to 30 August and then on 1 September, Chandrayaan-2 crossed the fourth orbit. At that time, his distance from the moon had reduced from 18 thousand kilometers to just 100 kilometers.

02 September
On 02 September 2019, Chandrayaan-2 mission was separated from the lander orbiter. Vikram Lander started moving towards the moon with the Pragyan Rover inside him.

03 September
 The Vikram lander was thoroughly investigated by ISRO scientists on 03 September 2019. ISRO scientists turned on his engine for this for 3 seconds and made minor changes in its orbit.

04 September
 ISRO scientist Vikram Lander was brought to the nearest orbit of the moon on 04 September. The Apogee (less distance from the moon) of this orbit was 35 km and Periji (more distance from the moon) was 97 km.

07 September

In the last phase of Chandrayaan-2, contact with India's moon lander Vikram was lost when it was moving towards the lunar surface. According to ISRO, the process of 'soft landing' on the moon of the lander started at 1:37 pm. But about 2.1 km up the contact was lost. ISRO Chairman K.K. Sivan said that the data is being reviewed.

Now what will happen next:
 The 'Vikram' lander was successfully separated from the orbiter on 02 September 2019. He is still moving at an altitude of 119 km to 127 km from the lunar surface. There are also 8 payloads with an orbiter weighing 2,379 kg and it will work for a year. That is, the mission will continue even if the position of the lander and rover is not known. Will send important information to ISRO there. In such a situation, the information from the orbiter can be important for the next missions of the moon.

There was a similar problem with the Israeli vehicle

Israel's private company SpaceL sent its moon mission in April 2019. But Israel's vehicle Bersheit crashed while landing on thelunar surface. The braking system of this vehicle failed after some technical problems in its engine. He was about 10 kilometers from the lunar surface. At the same time, he lost contact with the Earth and the rover crashed on the lunar surface. 

Trying to land at the South Pole for the first time

 ISRO scientists had already said that the last fifteen minutes of landing would be the most complex. Successfully landing Vikram, running at very high speed, to the surface of the moon was a big challenge. 'Vikram' changed his direction at the last moment, after which he lost contact. Let me tell you that India's most powerful 640 ton rocket GSLV Mk-3 was used to come to the South Pole. It carried 3890 kg Chandrayaan-2.

Chandrayaan-1 was launched in the year 2008

 India had earlier launched Chandrayaan-1 in the year 2008. It also turned out in search of water on the mission moon. India started the space program in the 1960s. Chandrayaan-2 has been sent to carry forward Chandrayaan-1's discoveries.

What is Chandrayaan-2?

Chandrayaan-2 is a spacecraft. Its three most important parts are the lander, orbiter and rover. Chandrayaan-2 is India's second mission to the moon within ten years. Chandrayaan-2 weighs 3,877 kg. ISRO launched the first successful moon mission - Chandrayaan-1, which made 3,400 rounds of the moon. Chandrayaan-1 (till 29 August 2009) worked for 312 days. This is almost three times more than the Chandrayaan-1 mission.

Orbiter: Chandrayaan-2's
orbiter was installed 100 km above the moon. The orbiter has eight payloads, three landers and two rovers. It will send the information received from the lander and rover to the ISRO center while circling.

Lander (Vikram): Lander Vikram has 4 payloads. This lander will remain in scientific experiment for 15 days. Its earliest design was designed by ISRO's Space Application Center, Ahmedabad. It was later developed by the URSC of Bengaluru. The lander is named after ISRO founder and father of Indian space program Vikram Sarabhai.

Rover (Pragya): This is a robot. Its weight is 27 kg. The entire mission is responsible for this robot. It has two payloads. It will cover a distance of about 400 meters on the lunar surface. It will conduct various scientific experiments during this period.

Chandryaan 2 Team = The list below lists most scientists and engineers who were key to the development of Chandrayaan-2 project:

·         Mylswamy Annadurai – Project Director, Chandrayaan-2
·         Ritu Karidhal – Mission Director, Chandrayaan-2
·         Muthayya Vanitha – Project Director, Chandrayaan-2
·         Chandrakanta Kumar – Deputy Project Director (Radio frequency systems), Chandrayaan-2

·         Amitabh Singh – Deputy Project Director (Optical Payload Data Processing, SAC), Chandrayaan-2

Launch mass

Combined (wet): 3,850 kg (8,490 lb)[2][3][4]
Combined (dry): 1,308 kg (2,884 lb)
Orbiter (wet): 2,379 kg (5,245 lb)
Orbiter (dry): 682 kg (1,504 lb)
Vikram lander (wet): 1,471 kg (3,243 lb)[3][4]
Vikram lander (dry): 626 kg (1,380 lb)[5]
Pragyan rover: 27 kg (60 lb)[3][4]

Orbiter: 1 kW[6]
Vikram lander: 650 W
Pragyan rover: 50 W



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