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some media committee of india

1. Chanda Committee 

During Mrs. Iildira Gandhi's tenure as the Union Minister for Infomation and
Broadcasting, the A.K. Chanda Committee was appointed in 1964 which submitted its
report in 1966, which was tabled in Parliament only in 1970. It recommended the
liberation of Radio and from rigid government control by co~lverting them into
separate corporations. It took another six years to separate 'Doordarshan' from
'Akashwani' to create Akashwani and Doordarshan in 1976. thougl~ both function
under the same administrative and financial procedures with conlllloll engineering and
programnle staff cadres.

2. Kuldip Nayar Committee 

On the conistitutionlal and legal fronts, the 1975-77 emcrgency'and the Janata Party
rule during 1977-79, heralded a fresh look at the media issues like tlie restructuring of
the, national news agencies and the granting of autollollly to the broadcasting media.
The four national new vs agencies-PTI and UNI (English) and Hindustan Samachar and
Samachar Bharati (Hindi) were merged on February 1, 1976, and one news agency
"Samachar" was formed. After the Emergeancy, the Kuldip Nayar Committee was
appointed in March 1977. It recommended the dissolulion of Samachar
suggested the creation of two news agencies-Varta in Hindi and other lndian
Mass Media and Society languages and Sandesh in English, plus an international news agency News India. But
the Kuldip Nay Colnnuttee report was rejected.

3 . Verghese Committee 

Meanwhile, the Janava governmellt appointed a Working Group on Autonomy for
Akashwani and Doordarshan in August 1977 headed by B.G. Verghese, which
submitted its recommendations ou February 24,1978. But the main suggestion of the
Verghese Committee, the formati011 of the Akasb Bbarati or the Natiofid
Broadcasting Trust for both AIR and Doordarshan, did not find hvour even with the
Janata rulers. Explaining the backgrouded to this bold recommedations, B.G. Verghcse
later said: "the reason basiclly the people want an independent corporation is because the
executive, abetted by a captive Parliament, shamelessly misused broadcasting during
the Emergency. that is what has to be prevented for all time. Democracy is not
something based on the pillar of only one institution, such as Parlianlent or the
Judiciaq, however inlportant it may be. It is a tapestry woven out of many
institutions of which a free, responsible and creative broadcasting system is one of the
most significantn.
The Verghese committee Report was tabled in both houses of Parliament and finally,
L,K. Advani, the the11 Minister for information and Broadcasting. introduced a bill on
May 16,1979. The Bill proposed the setting up of an Autononlous Corporation known
as Prasar Bharati for both AIR and TV. But it substantially altered the basic structure
of the proposed Corporadon as suggested by the Verghese Committee and rejected the
provision of constitutiorlal safeguards. But on the untimely dissolution of the Lok
Sabha, the bill died a natural death.

4. P.C, Joshi Committee

(Report of the Working Group on software for
Dr P.C- Joshi z Chairman
Smt Sai Paranapye
Shri Alyque Padamsee
Shri G.N.S. Raghavan
Smt Rami Chhabra
Dr Binod C. Agarwal
Miss Rina Gill
Prof Yoqendra Singh
Shri Mohan Upreti
Dr Bhupen Hazarika
Dr K,S. Gill
Shri R-B.L. Srivastava
Shri Manzural Amin : Member—Secretary.
The terms of reference of the Working Group
included the fallowing s
1. to prepare a software plan taking into
consideration the main objectives of TV.
2- to examine the need for starting a multi-channel
service, consider the composition of urban and
rural viewers and recommended a programme pattern
taking into account programme production
facilities both existing as well as planned.
3- to assess manpower requirements and suggest
improvements; and
4. to evolve a system of evaluating the programmes
and artists' performance, as also a system of
monitoring programmes.


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