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Complete List of Newspapers and Journals during British India

Complete List of Newspapers and Journals during British India

Name of the Paper/Journal
Year and Place from which Published
Name of the Founder/Editor
Bengal Gazette
1780, Calcutta
James Augustus Hickey 
India Gazette
1787, Calcutta
Henry Loius Vivian Derozio was associated with it.
Bengal Gazette (First Bengali Newspaper)
1818, Calcutta
Harishchandra Ray
Sambad Kaumudi (weekly in Bengali)
Raja Ram Mohan Roy 
Mirat-ul Akbar (First journal in Persian)
1822, Calcutta
Raja Ram Mohan Roy 
Banga-Duta ( A weekly in four languages- English, Bengali, Persian, Hindi)
1822, Calcutta
Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Dwarkanath Tagore
Bombay Times (from 1861 onwards, The Times of India)
1838, Bombay
Robert Knight and Thomas Bennett
Rast Goftar (A Gujarati fortnightly)
Dadabhai Naoroji
Hindu Patriot
1853, Calcutta
Girishchandra Ghosh
1858, Calcutta
Dwarkanath Vidyabhushan
Indian Mirror
1862, Calcutta
Devendranath Tagore and NN Sen
Bengalee (this and Amrita Bazar Patrika- the first vernacular papers)
1862, Calcutta
Girishchandra Ghosh (taken over by SN Banerjea in 1879)
National Paper
1865, Calcutta
Devendra Nath Tagore 
Amrita Bazar Patrika (Bengali in the beginning and later on English Daily)
1868, Jessore District
Sisirkumar Ghosh and Motilal Ghosh
1873, Calcutta
BankimChandra Chatterjee
The Statesman
1875, Calcutta
Robert Knight
The Hindu
1878, Madras
GS Aiyar, Viraraghavchari and Subba Rao Pandit
The Tribune
1881, Lahore
Dayal Singh Majeetia

 Gopal Ganesh Agarkar
Hindustani and Advocate

GP Verma
Kesari (Marathi daily) and Maharatta (English Weekly)
1881, Bombay
Tilak, Chiplunkar, Agarkar
GS Aiyar
Paridasak (Weekly)

Bipin Chandra Pal
1906, Bengal
Barindra Kumar Ghosh and Bhupendranath Dutta
1906, Bengal
Brhamanabandab Upadhay
Indian Sociologist
Syamji Krishna Verma
Bande Matram
Madam Bhikaji Cama
Free Hindustan
Taraknath Das
San Francisco
Ghadar Party
Virendrnath Chattopadhay
Bombay Chronical (a daily)
1913, Bombay
Pherozshahs Mehta, BG Horniman
The Hindustan Times
1920, Delhi
KM Pannikkar as a part of Akali Dal Movement
Leader (in English)

Madan Mohan Malviya
Bahishkrit Bharat
BR Ambedkar
Kudi Arasu (Tamil)
E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker (Periyar), SS MIrajkar, KN Joglekar
Bandi Jivan
Sachindranath Sanyal
National Herald
1938, Delhi
Jawaharlal Nehru
Tagzin-ul-Akhlaq (journal)
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
Kesari (Marathi Daily Newspaper)
Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Comrade (Weekly English Newspaper)
Maulana Mohammad Ali
Al- Balagh and Al-Hilal (Both urdu weekly newspaper)
Abul Kalam Azad
Pratap (Hindi Newspaper)
Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi 
Independent (Newspaper)
Motilal Nehru
Moon Nayak (Marathi Weekly)
BR Ambedkar
Young India (Weekly Journal)
M K Gandhi
Nav Jeevan (Weekly Newspaper)
M K Gandhi
Harijan (Weekly Journal)
M K Gandhi
Hindustan Dainik
Madan Mohan Malviya


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